Journey to the West 西遊記
2022年,邱先生投身漫畫界44週年,先後創作多部膾炙人口的作品,見證過本地漫畫業在不同時期的興衰。在網絡發展及NFT趨勢下,邱先生亦創作新作品首次踏入 #NFT 市場。這次以中國名著《西遊記》作藍圖,創作了 #孫悟空 四師徒的NFT作品,極具 #香港漫畫 風格。透過本次NFT項目,邱先生希望探索漫畫與NFT的可能性,與香港漫畫業迎來新機遇。
Mr. Khoo Fuk-Lung, a famous local comics legend, has witnessed the rise and fall of the local comics industry at different times. Mr. Khoo entered the NFT market for the first time with the blueprint of the famous Chinese novel “Journey to the West”. His works are very Hong Kong comic style. Through this NFT project, Mr. Khoo hopes to explore the possibility of comics and NFTs and usher in new opportunities with the Hong Kong comics industry.